What Comes First: The Website or the Marketing?

Published on June 28, 2021

You’ve probably heard the age-old question about what comes first: The chicken or the egg? And truly, this poultry paradox can be argued either way! But if you think about what comes first when it comes to your website and your digital marketing, they really go hand-in-hand.

We at Webfitters live by the philosophy that your website is your marketing hub. This means that, at the end of the day, all of the efforts we put into your digital marketing are generally trying to point people to your website. This is just one of the reasons why having a well-developed, engaging, branded, functional website is “egg”-ceptionally important!

While it’s not impossible to jump right into marketing without first having an optimized website like the one described above, our overall strategy still should be, well, strategic. Here’s a quick breakdown of our process, and just some of the issues we’ve run into when it comes to trying to develop effective marketing strategies for clients with less-than-optimal (or sometimes even non-existent) websites.

We tend to start any of our marketing projects with a client by doing a complete audit on the technical foundation of their website, as well as the site’s user experience. We believe that our efforts in marketing will be significantly more effective if we’re confident that the site is in the best shape possible. Otherwise, our fear is that we’ll waste valuable time and client dollars by trying to drive traffic to a site that people might not be happy with. At that point, we also risk users searching for and finding a competitor’s website (and nobody wants that – except maybe your competition?!).

So to summarize: Yes, we absolutely can drive all the traffic we want to a website. But (and this is a big “but”) if that website isn’t developed to its full potential, we simply can’t guarantee that users will have a good experience. It then follows that we can’t hang our hat on user conversions, or even that they will show interest.

The good news is that we can help! Whether you’re looking for a new project or a project makeover, don’t hesitate to reach out for a complimentary consultation.

So what are you waiting for? (Aren’t you glad we didn’t end this by asking why the chicken crossed the road?)