3 Differences Between A Mobile App And A Web Application

Published on April 11, 2019

Both mobile applications and web applications in the technology world can mean a few different things. When we hear “app”, we often think of games, social media platforms, or the little icons on the home screens of our phones. However, applications have many use cases that expand far beyond what we’ve come to know them as.

By definition, an application (also called an app) is “simply a computer program created to carry out or facilitate a task on a computing device. It should be noted that although all applications are programs, not all programs are applications”.

In the business world “apps” can represent many types of platforms and programs and solve all kinds of business problems. For example, an application could be an online maintenance system that alerts a company when a piece of equipment malfunctions. It can also be used for lead generation, customer relationship management, employee management, or customer retention.

Let’s take a look at 3 of the main differences between a web application and a mobile app:

1. Accessibility

Mobile apps are built for a specific platform (Android or iOS) and can be accessed from anywhere. They need to be downloaded to your device and can access system resources on the device (such as GPS, phone, calendar). They do not generally need an internet connection to function. A web app requires an internet connection, but it does not need to be downloaded or installed. It operates from within your browser and can be easily updated by the developer. Web apps can sometimes be a bit more difficult to find because they are not located in an app store, but they do a better job of keeping up to date for the user.

2. Cost to Build

Web applications tend to be a bit less expensive than mobile apps. This is mainly due to the fact that mobile apps need to be built for multiple operating systems (and meet all of their guidelines), which can add a number of extra steps to the build process. Web apps are built and released the same way standard websites are. Web apps are generally a little more cost effective to update as well.

3. Security/Maintenance

Mobile apps are typically more secure because they are housed right on your device as opposed to web apps, which live on the internet and can make them a bit more vulnerable. In terms of maintenance, web apps are usually easier to update and maintain than mobile apps because they do not have to meet operating system’s guidelines and are only updated for one platform.

Whether it be mobile or web-based, an application can be an excellent way to save time and money for your business. At Webfitters, we help you determine which is best suited for you. Our apps are all purpose built and tailored to fit your company’s specific needs.

If you’re interested in learning more on how we can help you, let’s chat!